We won a competition - it was the first time he has taken part on it - and we had 1. place (me :p) and 2. place.

He was happy like a small kid, hung the certificate on the wall, made photos with our principal and the winners and we got in the newspaper xD

  • 0
    Not to be misunderstood, he did take part on other competitions, but those we're easy and for middle school.

    It was the first one for what we call "Oberstufe" - the 11. & 12. school year.
  • 2
    It feels like 70% of all devRanters are German. Nevertheless I never met someone in rl...
  • 1
    @rhein7 Same ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 0
    What was the name of the competiont, if I may ask? :D
    I will be in 'Oberstufe' next year.
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