I actually had the strangest nightmare last night.

So I was working on a program for someone and lots of things went wrong. First of all, the semicolon button wasn't working, so I panicked and grabbed another keyboard but there was no semicolon button.

I had to copy and paste the semicolon instead. Next, there was a bug, and I couldn't figure out what caused it, so I went on stack overflow... Guess what? Stack overflow was shutdown. Unable to fix the error, I somehow caused more.

I decided to take a break and leave, but upon my return, I forgot what the program did. It was as if someone else had written it. I was simply ignorant enough to forget the comments.

After a hellish day of working on it, the person who wanted me to create the program decided to test it out. They tested it on an old version of IE.

Strangest nightmare I had this week.

  • 11
    Holy shit. This is a new level. I feel bad for you :P
  • 3
    It sounds like a good movie. That type of movie that torments you for years.
  • 4
    This is what a programmer 's nightmare looks like...
  • 2
  • 2
    I'm still amazed that in a dream/nightmare it's a full day long of shit happened but when I wake up it's only a 10min snooze... Every morning.
  • 1
    I suppose so.
  • 0
    I didn't really mind in the first place.
  • 1
    I had a similar nightmare. in Real.
    The 2-Key on my Laptop did rarly work (had to push really hard + having luck). The problem is that on my Keyboard-layout (ger) the quote-char is on the 2-Key.
    And I was programming in Java, so I couldn't just use single-quote (').

    @Michelle I guess your dreams aren't that weird, but rather try to prepare you for actual workaday problems. 😉
  • 1
    @ThatDude When you have a bad connection this can happen.
    If this is not your problem just tag/mention dfox. 😉
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