Been away for a while. What the fuck happened here?

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    b2plane got a job and let's his gf pays half on a city trip
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    also some open source project have been stalled and a lot of personal drama around ;)
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    Some of the good ones are still here!
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    New old shit
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    @JASONPEZZIMENTI Yo fuck off! 🫡

    @DotGreen welcome back, nothing changed same old shit just with updated createdAt tag 🤷🏻
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    Half of active accounts are still jase clones
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    Everything is on fire, people are sending death threats to each other, people resort to personal insults than using logic, pathetic chaosesqueteam guy is trying to recruit devs from here.

    Finally it has started to be fun, basically.
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    We are in dark times
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    Oh boy, sit dow.
    *Pours two glasses of whiskey*
    Let me tell you about the war.
    I lost my damn beard in the war.
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    Trumpists try to take over. Maybe devRant, like Ex-Twitter, is just too US-American to allow it to pollute my thoughts any longer.

    But maybe I've just become too much of a woke soy boy while the majority of our retarded white dude developer culture prefer to remain the little gamer boys they've always been from the start.
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    @fraktalisman I don’t think there’s many places online where there isn’t a large proportion of US Americans. Some are normal some are fuck nuggets, just like everywhere else. There’s just a lot more Americans so a lot more fuck nuggets.
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    @DotGreen that's exactly the problem. I understand that the Internet originated as a cooperation between US American military and universities, so no wonder why they dominated early days. But the idea of web and hypertext has also been decentral and global from the start. So what the funk went wrong that 30 years later the web so centralized and dependent on an oligopoly of companies mostly based in California, USA - and those capitalist dudes are even getting credits and criticism for supposedly being leftist woke intellectuals?

    Time for another (anti)social media detox period!

    We'll see if "you guys" (does anyone use this American English plural outside the US?) figure it out until I come back next year.

    As to my fellow European devs, we probably already met in person without realizing anyway, so let's have a beer at the next meetup or conference.
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