
Im so tired of shitting. I shit too much. If only i could unwrap the bottom part of my body like a robot so i can put the asshole part to sit on the toilet 24/7 while i sit (or float) on the chair and code. Shits (literally) wasting my time by shitting. Tomorrows an interview and I'll probably shit so so much from all the bullshit I'll have to listen

  • 5
    Certified shit post. Well done.

    Btw I'm on the toilet as well at the time of writing this.
  • 4
    This low grade childish humor is getting pretty old. You should probably start using the "random" or "meme/joke" tags for this instead of the rant. People that filter by "rant" expect actual life rants and this is just noise
  • 1
    There are special armchairs for old people, with a hole in it so you can shit without going to the bathroom, maybe that's what you need. I guess the shitty part of it is then emptying the tank.
  • 3
    I worked with a guy like this. He would shit 4 to 6 hours in a work day. Sounded like they were always painful.

    He was autistic and only ate lays stacks and drank only Pepsi. Anything else would make him vomit.

    I wonder if he's still alive...
  • 1
    @lungdart im no dr but probably had some severe intestinal disease if he found himself shitting 4-6 hrs and not processing anything else but certain foods. If he vomits from normal foods that could be something serious and possibly deadly like cancer somewhere in the digestive area.
  • 3
    @lungdart I've had a colleague who refused to eat anything healthy for a decade. Seriously overweight. Even removed healthy stuff from pizza. He eventually turned green and almost died. But ten years, that's how much it takes to die on only bad food. Weird fact: he was one of the happiest guys I've known. Gaming & programming 24/7. Nothing else. I liked him
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