
I cant believe i have to know bash scripting as a devops engineer! Like not linux terminal bash commands, the literal bash Fucking language and syntax coding of automated scripts! Why the fuck? Why cant i just code this shit in java or any other normal language? It would do the same fuckin job and much easier to do. Why i have to code .sh files in devops?!

  • 8
    ..idk if this is satire or you mean it

    But how else are you supposed to handle CI/CD in some Linux container/VM than .sh files?

    Beyond a certain point you'll need custom shell scrips to be executed for complex deployments/fail-safes etc

    you cant use Java for that, and if you can that'd be inefficient
  • 6
    Everybody should know bash scripting, it doesn't matter what discipline you work in.
  • 9
    You are aware shell scripts are basically terminal commands with some basic programming flow control on top, right?

    Seriously, with each of your posts I find increasingly laughable your notion that you *deserve* a six figure salary abroad...

    If I were in charge of recruiting you'd barely pass junior level...

    And don't blame your "useless" degree, if you invested half the time you do into telling us how much you shit into learning, you'd do *much*better.
  • 4
    "Not bash terminal commands (...) the language"

    They're practically the same thing. You're literally executing those terminal commands in bash when you type them in.

    If you find something you don't know that would be useful - don't moan about it, learn it! It's easy to pick up and would be a great skill to have. Comes in useful all the time.
  • 6
    Because Bash as in pure, non POSIX BASH, is the easiest and most simplistic solution

    Sure - you can add a JVM with X libraries and sound libraries to run simple copy / move stuff, but I'd fry your ass for it. Security concerns, maintenance cost and pure bloat.

    Use the right tool for the job.

    Bash 4 plus - if properly written - can do a lot. Like really a lot.

    Except Float Arithmetic.

    For JSON, JQ.

    Or use Python, most distros have a minimal python packaging available that doesn't include full stdlib.

    So far to the nice part.

    Now... in all honesty...

    You're a pathetic crybaby.


    You bitch and moan and cry over every fucking little thing.

    It's a job. You get paid for it.

    Deal with it.

    It's not like you have to write POSIX shell compatible scripts or stuff like that.... (Yeah... that is PAIN)
  • 4
    I always sway from feeling bad for you and wanting to put you down. Then back again.

    If you're a troll you're an expert! If you're serious... maybe you're 12? The entitlement is astounding.
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX luckily its not that hard to understand but the language is almost like im writing regex all the time. I had a task write .sh to print non duplicate file names while ignoring file extensions, example


    Should print


    Row 1: all file names are unique, so print all 3
    Row 2: all file names are the same, so ignore the whole row
    Row 3: only print the second file because its the only unique one
  • 7
    @b2plane it's the very basics...

    And come to think of it, bash is already advanced! That's already in Userland! You'll cry when you only have a rescue shell (BusyBox). Then you would wish you had bash!

    Anyways, all things worth it take time to master.

    It's a wax on wax off thing.

    Also, shellcheck will be your friend.
  • 2

    See? You even fail your own examples.

    In first one, you print all base names.

    In second one, you do *not* ignore, you print "zum"

    In the third one you print "lad" and "thud".

    For the love of God, you don't even understand the meaning of "unique"...
  • 3
    I'll just give you a pointer and that's it... (it's a bashism and not POSIX, tho)

    "${FILE%%.*}", then sort, then uniq...
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX no i wrote it correctly. Re read what i said. No one gives a shit about file extensions only file names matter
  • 2

    [ -z `uniq -d ...` ]

    So what. Get the hint already. Whatever it is you want to learn, do it, *by putting the effort in*. You will not get by with a one week course or random internet tutorials.
  • 3
    I hate bash scripting. I know enough to get by and be productive. It is very useful especially for writing services.

    Until you get some competency in bash scripting please do not put Linux on your resume.
  • 0
    In addition to shellcheck, I recommend the Google code style guide: https://google.github.io/styleguide...

    And this: https://vaneyckt.io/posts/...

    Also this: https://ionic.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/...
  • 1
    Dude you are the worst type of whiner that only complains and does nothing to improve himself, then complain more. Automating DevOps with Java? Are you fucking serious?
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