How do you cope with loneliness ?

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    not feeling lonely
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    u code and drink coffee and spend the whole night working on a project until you fall asleep
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    @nickj i was going to say something else but I couldn't agree with you any more.
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    Pets can help a bunch if you have the time.
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    Find a dating site - a paid for one. You don’t actually have to go on an analogue date.

    It will do you the world of good just seeing all the others that are open to connection as you. The whole idea is not to necessarily find someone to settle down with. It’s just healthy to be interested in someone who is not you.

    As for relationships - you have to be present in your physical form. No avatar shit.
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    @nickj you're my spirit animal
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    You first cry that you are alone. Then, you take up development tasks, and my the time you realises the time, it already morning. You will again about loneliness if your task wasn't over and if it was successfully completed, you would say who wants a companion, I can code silently and then you go to sleep. When you wake up. It's already evening or night and missed your chance to have social day again. Back to few hours of crying session again, and then again deep dive with programming.
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    You join devRant and ask people how to cope
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    @ThatDude i explained my everyday life xd
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    I listen to music
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