
my psychologist: dreams are meaningful, they contain important answers
my dreams:

  • 2
    Classic dream.
  • 5
    I knew it's a kiki post.
  • 4
    I knew it must be kiki.
  • 0
    @Nanos it's not a question of letting but making it dream ;)
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    @Nanos never heard of that. if it doesn't have input do you think the AI is capable of figuring one for itself ( I mean if not deliberately programmed to choose one at random from a list or even the net )
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    @Nanos this is _exactly_ how dreams work.
  • 1
    @ostream there were these chocolate coins with 'golden' foil around them when I was a kid.... the chocolate was shit, but they were so shiny =]
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    I know this is supposed to be a joke but did your psychologist really say to you that dreams have a meaning? Because I thought that this is pretty much a busted myth.
  • 1
    Accurate description of our system's architecture.
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