I don't get all this hate for windows, it works great, you can do everything on it and who wants to "customize" his os is just ranting uselessly...
I'm using windows to write this message and I'm not having any prob...

  • 1
  • 5
    Bluescreen, bluescreen everywhere!
  • 0
  • 1
    I added one more line to his message.
    "Beginning of permanent damage of hard disk"
  • 2
    The vast majority of bugchecks (blue screens) 2000, XP, and above are from bad drivers, followed by faulty hardware.

    That said, I had a really annoying bug on my HP laptop where I was getting them every week due to an issue with a sound driver and sleep mode, so it does still happen... Just not to everyone.
  • 4
    > inb4 "MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH" really is very helpful to people whining about Windows
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