So I just started using i3, it's amazing, might start using i3-gaps though

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    I thought i3 was a type of processor? Am I missing something?
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    @Jilano Can you also not have gaps with i3-gaps or will there always be at least small gaps?
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    @Jilano thanks, always something new to learn ;)
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    I can't understand how somebody can find that useful and amazing.

    It's ugly, hard and unusable as fuck.
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    @CoffeeAndHate i3 is very usable
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    @CoffeeAndHate you can make it beautiful it's called ricing

    @simo002m you can disable gaps (but why would you)
    I would advise that you turn on smart gaps (only gaps if window count > 1)
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    @CoffeeAndHate it sure has a learning curve but that's its beauty and people like it
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    My favorite feature of i3 is the scratchpad, just thought I'd mention it here if you haven't used it yet. Perfect place to put things like local web servers when your screen real estate is crowded without having to dedicate a workspace to junk 🙂
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    @ThoughtfulDev ++ for smart gaps. Also consider binding a key or two to different presets, it's nice being able to remove, increase/decrease, or reset to my default on the fly
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    @CoffeeAndHate oh man, no no no, you can make this look amazing just like any other window manager inside the world of Linux! It is not hard to use at all if you like using the keyboard to navigate and automate stuff. It is not for everyone though, but at least try it before you knock it!
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