Today, me and my boss finally made an SDK work properly on power android and iOS project. This was one though week and a half.

Now the rant part. This took us 1 week and a half because the documentation wasn't entirely correct. The worst, and for me the most irritating part, is the fact that my boss had to be on the telephone with his contact of the other company (the one behind the SDK) only in the end to hear his contact talking to.one of their developers about the flow of the communication.

Long story short, after getting the result from the SDK, we should use that information in another service that's not specified the documentation!!!!

The most annoying is when my bosses contact said to the dev that the service wasn't in the docs, his response was

"One thing is the documentation, the other is real life"
Fuck you, you dev piece of shit, you've wasted over a week of my life trying to make something work following your shitty docs!!!!

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