
Finally learning vim after a few years of absolute refusal.

echo export EDITOR="vim" >> ~/.bashrc

  • 1
    Good good!
    Now get rid of X and you are good
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    Unpopular opinion but gvim is better if you are not lacking X. :)
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    @dontPanic do you mean the x in my terminal to close the window or x as in xterm (I'm using the pantheon-terminal)
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    @Axis xserver as in the thing your windowmanager is based on.
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    @plusgut why should I get rid of xserver to use vim?
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    @Axis you shouldn't. @dontPanic was making a joke.
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    @plusgut haha fair enough I just wasn't sure
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    @plusgut @Axis @nik123 yeah... Well... I wanted to be funny for once XD
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    @nik123 that's my boy!
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    @dontPanic don't worry, I smiled a little when I read it ;)
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    @makmm from what I understand the learning is an ongoing process. But I definitely can navigate, edit, search with regex (I already knew regex) and use some of the key commands. At first I was using vim-adventures but now I'm using vimtutor :)

    OH and now I can finally exit vim correctly.
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    Is it mostly agreed upon that neovim >= vim? It seems to be the same but with a few performance/productivity enhancements
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    @makmm "did you learn it" - there are few people on this planet who could honestly answer this question with 'yes'.
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    @makmm Me? I can use it - more or less - productively. I would say a bit less than classic IDEs, which means I'm really not very proficient in using vim. :)

    For me there's been a point where I could use it well enough to not have a lot of motivation to continue learning (you're working very slow while googling for every damn key combination).

    I currently use vim especially for server maintenance, but I have used it for software development before.

    I know the more basic ways to move around in a file, how to copy, cut and paste and understand the concepts of buffers, tabs and windows.

    I've also installed a fuzzy finder plugin which has been a big productivity improvement for me.
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    @Axis Yes, though most important addition at the moment is :terminal. Also comes with saner defaults which I may say are good enough. But most important changes are on the refactored codebase which is irrelevant for an end user but great if you wanna hack your editor.
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    @konfou what does :terminal do?
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    @theCalcaholic Opens the embedded terminal emulator. Since I guess you will ask why this is good (or at least I initially did), running inside nvim allows you to use all nvim features and commands. Also makes a multiplexer redundant for stuff often done when editing such as repls and running tests.
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    @konfou Oh, that sounds cool!
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