I'm building a website for a new company and the boss doesn't understand technology at all. says he doesn't want me using any html because it is old and I have to use python because it's a 'hot language.' I try to explain that html is for websites and he replies 'not mine.'

  • 1
    Omfg... Good luck on that one...
  • 2
    Think you'd have any luck using Jade, or something like it?
  • 0
    AARRGGHH!! The stupid!! It burns...!!
  • 13
    Promise to only use html5. By transitive property it must be five times better.
  • 9
    On second thoughts, tell him you'll be making heavy use of ECMAScript, up to and including v2015... Baffle him with bullshit, he's obviously good at swallowing it.
  • 1
    So I guess CSS is out of the question also due to age.
  • 1
    @roscoe4 I'll call it crazy super styling or something so he likes it
  • 1
    @Mr-Numbers good thinking. Could do the same with html. Hypertext markup mega load
  • 6
    I've got an idea.. Use a simple encryption on your html generated by Python in the backend then use JS to decode it in the browser! :-P

    Tell him it costs $1million per page.
  • 0
    use this for styling www.descartes.io
  • 0
    @heyheni guys a history buff, Descartes is way too old since he's a philosopher
  • 0
    @Mr-Number at least he got class ^^
  • 1
    Well he seems to be easy to trick, tell him you will use jade and sass!
  • 4
    Just add .py to your URL's and he'll be happy 😁
  • 1
    He should stop speaking and spend the weekend doing some research.
  • 0
    Man.. If I could upvote this post more than once I would. The cluelessness is astounding. 😭
  • 1
    Oh god, think we need some help from Darwin here!
  • 7
    Well given that Python first appeared in 1991 and HTML first appeared in 1993, I'd say (even by his skullFuckingly misinformed reasoning) he's wrong about which is the "hot new language" 😉
  • 2
    Do it all in XML
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