
Want to finish my little friend for a long time now. He can dance Michael Jackson's moonwalk for now.
Idea was to use the sonar sensor to switch dancing styles but he is still blind :(

  • 1
    That's awesome, can you make a video?
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    Subscribing for video
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    Yes, post video, show us your mighty Thriller dancing robot!!
  • 2
    OK, I found a video of the prototype that was missing the 3D printed chassis you see on the picture but you should still get the idea. Need to work on the balancing with the battery in the new chassis and rework the sensor functions but as the question was about side projects, here we go :)

  • 2
    @marcom THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING! Great job dude!
  • 2
    does it pass butter?
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    Gif it... Me wanna see
  • 0
    its adorable, i love it
  • 0
    Duuude this is cool as hell! Are you using any robot-learning software?
    I'm currently learning japanese just so I can use this v-sido software for my robotics project. I wanna take a gunpla model and make it come to life and battle other gunpla. Like miniature mobile suit gundam duels...it's been a dream of mine for years. @marcom you're getting a subscribe for this, please show us more 😍
  • 2
    Never heard of gunpla but I was looking for "biped Bob" or "biped robot" and found several inspiring projects and code snippets. I took ideas from several of those projects. I am not the inventor of the little guy, just want to create a toy to make my little daughter happy. But I will keep you updated on it in future rants if you like :) Thinking about a project page but as the topic says, will need to find time for it. Thanks to all for the positive feedback, got my motivation back, praise devRant!
  • 1
    Ford creating Westworld
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