I’ve become the person who I said I’d never be. Writing spaghetti code in spaghetti project instead of trying to refactor methods and classes where I’m adding new features.
Welp. They want it “yesterday” , they’ll have it yesterday.

But hey, the money’s good.

  • 4
    A man after me own heart.

    I too prefer money over neckbeardyness.
  • 1
    How long can you keep doing this before you go insane?
  • 2
    @koes Until my company’s retirement and RSU contributions are fully vested, which is about ~ 5 months left.

    At this point, I could not care less.
  • 2
    @TopsyKretts five months is doable, you have something to look forward to. I'm in the same situation, but with 9 months to go. Which feels like a lot.
  • 1
    You will end up facing that bug that makes it a better idea to refactor.
    Until then, you’re cool
  • 0
    @koes great question
  • 0
    It's not always a bad thing. Working spaghetti is still working spaghetti. Usually you need to extend the spaghetti first to understand the needed architecture and then start attacking it. At least that is how I usually do it.
    Of course focus on the high maintenance/dangerous parts first. Just hope you don't get frustrated before that happens and there is actually some time for refactoring allocated.
  • 0
    Oh jeez, I know I need to refactor my shit soon. It's a clustefuck of shit and I know I'm better than that.
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