Our company opened a job offer for a new teammember in our team.
Same skills and expertise as mine, but the minimum salary offered is more than I earn.
I decided to just apply for basically my own job and in a matter of 10 minutes I got a message by HR, asking why I applied and that this is basically a position in my team. After I explained the reasons, I got a message from my boss 5 minutes later, who wants to talk to me live tommorow about that.

Gotta say, fastest response and invitation I ever got on an application.

  • 24
    Good. Please look very unimpressed the whole time
  • 23
    Please keep us updated about the results
  • 7
  • 8
    wow, quite a scenario you've got on your hands.

    If you end up getting laid off, just change your name on your resume and submit it to your boss right after.
  • 6
    @Katakompe @SidTheITGuy re exit strategy plan:

    I apply with my CV to get you back in the door, and you Katakompe turn up to the interview

  • 6
    "Hello fuckers"
  • 6
    @SidTheITGuy applying as a twin
  • 7
    In case you get laid off, I recommend setting up a way to communicate this shitty company behaviour to the new hire.
  • 12
    @SidTheITGuy @Wolle
    I don't fear being laid off. I'm usually cool with my Boss and we are way too understaffed at our team (hence the job offer).

    The most likely result is, nothing's going to change and he will use corporate talk to explain why.

    But I'll keep you up to date.
  • 1
    @Katakompe I hope for the best and he offers you the rise you deserve and both of you ( with the new employee ) have the same salary so there is no tension in the team =]
  • 5
    I would think his salary would be higher than the new hire since he has been there longer. Unless I’m missing something.
  • 2
    Waiting for updates
  • 2
    Also want to read the update 😁
  • 4
    No updates yet, he os booked outnand asked if tommorow or thursday is fine
  • 2
    Somehow I have the feeling this pattern will continue and they hope you just forget about it.
  • 1
    @Wolle feels very unlikely, why would they do that?
  • 0
    @ecmascript So they can avoid an uncomfortable conversation and don't give @Katakompe the raise he deserves.
  • 1
    A very clever solution to a valid problem :)
  • 0
  • 12
    Just had the meeting.

    It was very much as I expected. Talked about the expectations and reasons why I applied for this.
    Some stuff about how they came to the salary and that it would probably also include default 10h overtime (which I have and would earn more than the offering if I added it, whichbof course i didn't)
    also asked me how I would change the offering (to which I said, increase the salaty by 5k yearly).
    finally he also said that if he speaks personally and not as my boss, to make significant increases in salary, you need to regularly switch jobs, which he doesnt want but wanted to tell me.
    And that this wont be the last time we talk about this (in a positive sense).
    Also that he was a bit angry first I didnt directly talk to him before applying.

    He seemed very genuine and to understand my concerns, but I dont think it will change anything.
  • 5
    @Katakompe then just quit and re-apply ;)

    you got the skills, know the project, they just can't find a better candidate ;}

    plus you'll have that next talk sooner than he was expected =]
  • 0
  • 3
    @Katakompe Well, he is right about switching jobs and the amount of pay you get.

    But to a degree of course. You get away with it the first five years or so in your career. But that is what you should be aiming at. I would say you will have to work at least two years on each job. Or so. Maybe 18 months are ok. As a consultant the gigs might of course be varied a little but I am talking about non-consulting jobs.

    Your salary is very important and we devs should be better to get a larger piece of the money. And we should never, ever accept a decrease of our salary. Ever! They can try running the world without us.

    Get a notion and understanding of the salary you SHOULD be getting in your region and your education and competence and experiences and whatever. Research it. Know it. Some companies value devs much higher than others. And this is important to know. Because you don’t live forever!so it matters. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy Lol wage slave is trying to compute how best to "navigate" his master's water ways.
  • 0
    @zcknqughrpceo bot account. fuck off.
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