
No. Just no.

  • 17
    Then, keep the website shitty and refuse ajax requests
  • 5
  • 13
    If no > yes > no
  • 18
    This message requires devrant to view. So go install it so you can read it.
  • 1
  • 4
    Isn't that ironic?
    Script tags to execute JS when it's not available in the first place.
  • 1
    I like it when people don’t understand what they are doing 😎

    Hell he don’t have JavaScript running, so let’s go throw him some JavaScript 😏

    Also it’s 2017 not 1994.

    You can’t honestly expect websites in this day and age to work without JavaScript unless it’s a one pager maybe.
  • 2
    Awesome! :D

    Also nice how half your ++s are coming from this rant alone 👍
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