How does everyone feel about morning and evening updates with a summary email detailing what was said in the evening call?

I have an attitude problem with not treating colleagues with respect (apparently) I emailed the concerned party and apologised profusely for my (perceived) behaviour and attitude towards them clarifying that there was no animosity and that I'm just a blunt person.

They responded with 🤔 u wot m8? Well actually, "it's been a stressful couple of months but theres no feelings that you talk to me or address me disrespectfully"

So basically, what happened (I'm a contractor) is I refused to work weekends for a day rate, or evenings.

And my managers boss has been salty after with me ever since.

Thing is they're talking to me like I'm a member of the staff? I don't even work for them as I'm sub contracted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I have had my resignation letter signed and attached to an email to my agency but I haven't sent it

  • 1
    I'd be inclined to play ball if it doesn't put you out too much.

    Sometimes its worth giving people whats not defined in a contract if it costs you little.
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