
I don't understand why so many people fight this war of tabs vs spaces. My colleagues elegantly solved the problem just not using indentation at all

  • 6
  • 12
    No...no...just no.
  • 5
    How can? I mean who the hell? I hate this place 😒
  • 7
    There is a special place in hell for people like your friend. Hope he gets there soon.
  • 55
    Make him use Python
  • 1
    @ViRaS *lol* and double *lol*
  • 0
    Haha, great one!
  • 0
    You betcha make em write an Ansible Playbook, your colleagues would happily want to revert to those childhood days of drawing on an actual playbook rather than Ansible Playbook, annoying indentation syntax errors
  • 30
    #DEFINE 🕶, ;

    int main(void) {
    🕶🕶return 0;
  • 5
    I hope they don't intend to solve the \n vs \r\n conflict the same way.
  • 0
    I literally shivered with disgust...
  • 4
    Error in Line n: Indentation Error

    *laughs in python*
  • 11
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    one liner? Or just no tabs/spaces? ^^
  • 1
    That's not a solution but the digital equivalent of sticking your head in the sand/db.

    In Sql the code is seldom formatted at all.
  • 2
    @Ashkin but those are SPACES! 💪🏾
  • 0
    #DEFINE 🕶,\0; // ???
  • 7
    Tabs yo!
  • 3
    A coworker of mine made a preprocessor that auto formats Java code with spaces (indentation).

    For a week he was running it on every file in the repository and pushing changes.

    Every damn line was red and green with basically the same text.
  • 1
    It's like having a 80 column limit, if a statement happens to have the size of War and Peace, it should go on the same line! Also, what's so bad about building pyramids of if's? Just buy a larger screen :D
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    @Noob newbies!
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    @BM32 fun fact - he has 11 years of coding experience.
  • 1
    The only time the two sides unite haha
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    go fmt tips the hat .. non-issue.
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    Come on, I'm in every language, there is a code convention that says what should be done. With Python, it's PEP8
  • 2
    @Noob only 11 years? compared to me, he’s still a newbie.
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    @BM32 I have (almost) 11 years of *no* coding experience ;) Simply because there were hardly any computers around uptil that age. At least none that common people could afford or even have access to.
  • 0
    @BM32 Then he is :)
    How many years do you have btw?
  • 1
    Didn’t your mother tech you never to ask how old a lady is?
  • 1
    I don't care if it's tabs or spaces but consistency is nice. That converting program sounds like a good idea like how git auto-converts line endings
  • 0
    @spacem Agree. I consistenly use tabs, but that leads to an inconsistency when copypasting code across IDEs as some replace tabs with spaces, and not the same number of spaces. That's actually one argument for spaces that I can come to think of. For example, if you always hit, say, two spaces instead of a tab, the indentation will always be two spaces, no matter where you port it.
  • 2
  • 3
    Hahahahaha you fucking madman.

    Good luck with the soon-to-ensue knife fight.

    I just use an .editorconfig and couldn’t give a shit, it’s great fun.
  • 2
    Not joking,
    Reading this gave me slight goosebumps!
  • 0
    Try doing that with Python... see how that turns out.
  • 0
    @iSwimInTheC Fuck you. I have the same brain size as no indentation and i use tabs
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