imagine your ego being more important than doing something the right way

welcome to corporate hell

this is one of the top reasons (but of course definitely not the ONLY reason) i'll never join the rat race

would rather be a homeless 🤡 (slowly succeeding in this one)

  • 1
    @TiananmenSquare sleeping at workplace = good! ever going home = bad!

    our population growth = bad!
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    Not just in corporate, this thing is all over the place.
    Ego always wins, and usually those who know (and want) to get the job done the right way, need to do the whole research, back their argument with data, and chew the whole approach so it is easy to read and follow along.

    I hate it also bro..
    I guess you are out of a job
  • 0
    @fullstackcircus huh... that guy deleted his comment... didn't know you could do that (or perhaps he destroyed his account?)
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    @noyloy sure, ego wins for the individual in the short term

    most always close to 100% of the time it fails in the long term
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