
Yesterday, I had a meeting to prepare today's meeting, which goal is to prepare tomorrow's meeting... 😣

  • 3
    Same problem since i came back to France. They love to put meetings to create meetings schedules to have useless meetings... yay....
  • 1
    Corporations often do that. Too much wasted time.
  • 2
    Well I'd say you are caught in a recursion!!
  • 0
    But communication is vital! Why don't developers don't like to communicate, is it because they're all autistic?

    I hope I don't need sarcasm tags...
  • 1
    I like commution. So i try to do usefull and fast meeting.
    But a 4h meetings.
  • 0
    lol. this shit never ends 😂
  • 0
    Meeting agenda: recursion
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