How do you convince your friends to switch to Telegram / Signal (or sth similar)?

I would really like to use Signal but none of my friends use it...

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    You would never expect it
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    Yeah I need help convincing people to join Allo, I am tired of only talking to the Google Assistant
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    I simply told the people I got to use Signal (telegram is a no go for me regarding privacy) that its more privacy friendly and all the pro's and cons. Also, since I refuse to use Telegram and WhatsApp, tbh, they didnt have much choice. But most people I introduced to it like signal!
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    I hope that one day maybe in you website you will explain why you don't like Telegram so much even trying to compare it to WhatsApp.
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    @shelladdicted very simple. Their crypto has been criticized a lot by experts and they save way too much metadata than would be required to operate the service :)
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    A year ago told my friends I stop using WhatsApp and they should install Signal. None of them cared ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    Sometime ago I read about MTProto issues.
    But then why no one took the 300k$ prize?
    And a lot of them are based on SS7 vulnerabilities. That can be "patched" using 2FA.

    "Normal" people want to make a backup of their chats when they change their phone.

    Signal doesn't allow that.

    Whatsapp suggest to store the backup on cloud
    And if you don't there a huge probability that the people on the other side of the chat will.

    And I think that the telegram cloud is more safe than Gdrive

    Discalaimer: I am NOT saying that telegram is better than signal.
    But thanks to his "fancy" features it's easier that a large mass of people will use it.
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    @linuxxx Telegram is soposed to take privacy very seriously. They emphasize it a lot on their website.
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    Many of my friends are parents. I simply ask them if they would be ok with the world knowing what park their kid will be playing in at 1530 on Tuesday.

    When they say no, I tell them to install signal on their phone and partner's phone.

    Bit extreme, but while *most likely* their child is safe, a little extra security might make it easier to protect them.
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