
Just got a brand new car coming from a 1999 Honda CRV and holy shit the tech in these things is insane.. basically drives itself on HWY's, can start it from an app, does all sorts of weird stuff.. obviously it comes with risks of being hacked and all that but damn new cars are wicked these days.

  • 8
    So congrats to whoever the devs are that made this thing, absolutely brilliant 🇰🇷
  • 3
    Tesla still kinda rules that market, although much more expensive. But congratz, it's a nice car and honda makes some pretty decent engines
  • 6
    A 2000 pound hunk of metal zooming down the road at 60mph+ with unpatchable wifi control vulnerabilities is a pretty terrifying concept.
  • 4
    @Ashkin Vehicles manufacturers should add in their manuals:

    "If you see a strange guy with a big antenna in his car that is following you. He is trying to hack you. Be careful"😂

    I readed about a guy that using a 433mhz transmitter spoofed the pressure sensor of the wheels to show a low pressure warning
    And obviously the driver stopped to check the wheels.

    With future connected cars this will be more dangerous than this.

    Maybe disturbing the Lane Assist radar.
  • 3
    Congrats. I'm still worried about the security side of things. I'll stick with my not very old but disconnect car.
  • 1
    @Greggergalactic yup! This is at Arthur's Seat 😁
  • 1
    @Tychus same here. Besides, I love my car and don't want any other. 😊
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