
Are 4 cups of coffee ☕ to many for a day? Thinking to drink tea to do not abuse of coffee...

  • 16
    Those are noob numbers
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    I see people drink a lot more (some with consequences for their health). Four doesn't seem much.

    If filling yourself up with caffeine all day leads to effects like having trouble to sleep, or feeling troubled/hectic without a reason, you may try to reduce the dosis.

    When i switched to tea it was easier than i thought, because getting a coffee and drinking it was more about the ritual than the actual taste.

    Tea comes in different flavors and uses. While coffee can only make you awake, there are teas that can make you calm down or support you getting and staying well in health things.

    You may just try it, doesn't cost much, easy done, no reason not to at least try it.
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    I heard of a conference, I think it was in Barcelona, about health.
    Canadians demonstrated, among other things, that who drinks 3/4 cups of coffee a day apparently lives longer
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    I moved to tea, because 7 dubble espresso was not that good for me
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    i usually drink 6-7 to feel something

    also @lo98be nice avatar
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    @BindView thank you
    Edit: You make me even more doubtful
    I guess I really should buy those custom stickers
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    You develop an habituation, it's normal
    It's like any other drug or medication
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    Four coups, pffft that's before breakfast I hope?

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    I'm at 10 cups / work day without any side effects (cut down from 15). Basically its very individual, and I never have any side effects. Never drink coffee in weekends / when off work either, no withdrawal symptoms etc. YMMW :)
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    @LastDigitOfPi I can vouch that's true, although if you stop drinking coffee you might get headaches (personal experience).

    I'm now still drinking coffee but supplementing a few mugs per day with green tea.
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    Yes, if your 12, otherwise you need to work on your game man, that's lunch on a lazy day. I leave for work at 7 and I've had 2 by then.

    However, depending on how much you want to live a long life and believe your doctor, depending on the actual coffee itself, 4 if it's strong filter, 6 to 8 if it's instant would be the RDA.

    FYI tea actually contains caffeine too, herbal tea even more so. As I runner I use use energy capsule made from green tea caffeine, it's stronger than the caffeine in coffee, but more neural stimulant than an overall energy booster, so does not increase your HR, but the RDA on that is like 200mg,i don't know how many cups that is though.
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    @RTRMS but green tea doesn't contain as much caffeine as coffee right? Here's me thinking I'm picking the healthier option when I'm actually just supplementing with something that's vaguely better than the taste of water. Well that sucks :/
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    @CodeKill no idea, I do not drink tea, I am not weak. As I said, its a different type of caffien, which is stronger, and have a much lower RDA, but what quantity a cup of tea actualyl contains I have no idea, while had an RDA of about 200mg, half that of normal caffien, could very well be like 10mg in a tea cup for all I know.
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    My friend's dad who works as an electrical engineer drinks between 12 and 14 cups a day...
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    @wholl0p now that's some pro numbers
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    @RTRMS At first I thought he was kidding ... But that's the truth.. I'm impressed!
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    @wholl0p Real men die young, and painfully :D
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    I was only drinking 1 cup of coffee on every Work morning (4 days a week)

    After 2 months I forgot for a week. 2 days in, headache that wouldn't go away, couldn't concentrate and was soooooo ffing tired I could fall asleep every moment.

    I had withdrawal symptoms....

    Then I decided that I didn't want to be dependant on coffee, so decided only to drink coffee when I really need a boost. Not regularly

    Still trying to beat my addiction to oxygen. The coke helps with this, getting closer
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    @moortuvivens you shouldn't try coke then...
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    I used to be at 12 a day 😅
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    @linuxxx so what you at now? 20?
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    Try some oolong tea :) pu-erh or da hong pao will help you to go through whole day :)
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    I try to keep it around 5-6 a day. I also read that study (who am I kidding I read an article about a study) that says around 4 cups a day has positive health benefits. I believe tea is quite good for you, and yes it's true tea has less caffeine than coffee, but I'm a coffee guy myself. And no it doesn't stop working if you drink a lot. Perhaps the effects are lessened and you may need to drink more, but it still works. And also is delicious. To coffee! ☕️
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    @RTRMS Nah nearly none haha but no usually around 4-6 I think :)
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    Just make sure it's not black tea 😁 Or try inka.
    It has "kind of" similar smell and goes well with both hot water and milk 🙂
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    @lo98be Yes, I read the same in a life-science magazine.
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    @CodeKill Exactly, a full day without drinking coffee I have a kind of headache but not so much painful.
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    @codepoet Haha, I have then to increase these numbers!!
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    Three is healthy for your life, but 4 has no benefit for your body. Its not bad though. I think 6 are considered too much
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