
This whole Linux vs Windows thing is just getting tiring. It's like sleeping with men vs women. You can choose men, you can choose women, or you can choose both. It's a choice you should be making, not someone else.

  • 11
    Plus it's annoying when people come up to you and are all like *I* sleep with MEN! What have you done with your life lately!?
  • 1
    @chadd17 That made me laugh. It so sums up the argument and people who take part in it!
  • 0
    How about the paasive agressive "right tool for the job" arguments?

    Men are for getting things done and business and women are only for hackers and research.

    No, every server in google and amazon is a woman, its only sleeping with men that you need men for.
  • 1
    @plumbus You took my argument in the wrong direction. I meant that you don't have to be exclusively heterosexual or gay. The world isn't black and white.
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    But in this argument there are only few different men but hundreds of women
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    @moars42 women, men, both. That's exactly 3. Linux, Windows, both. That's 3 again.
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    @620hun you maybe took my joke the wrong direction. I was immitating the ignorant, not trying to be ignorant. I guess there isn't a meaningful difference so i regret commenting at all
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    Both is definitely more fun.
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    @620hun No one has ever said this sentence before in the human race.... You forgot about Unix and transsexuals.
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    @ninjatini if I tried to list all genders I would run out of characters 😜
  • 0
    Children need parenting... so do Windows users too. 🎩
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