>Be me
>Notice cute girl in college
>Won't work because reptilian brain too stupid
>Girl needs help studying C
>Teach her C because I'm an idiot
>She turns out to be a bigger idiot, and has problems grasping FizzBuzz problems
>Thoroughly turned off
>Help her get 80% in semester end exam
>Breathe a sigh of relief, get back to usual schedule
>Girl admits to liking me
>Said that girl and I are not on similar wavelengths
>Girl asks me if I think she's stupid, and now is angry with me
>What did I do?

  • 15
    I’m sure she has many qualities and surpasses you in many areas. Don’t fixate on a meaningless flaw
  • 9
    Shouldn't have used the word "wavelength".

    But Kite is right. My GF also doesn't code and I think she'd get bored if she tried, but she's smart. She reads a lot and unlike me, she actually remembers the stuff she reads unlike me lol. People are often more than paper-thin and if you both like each other then you could at least try dating and see if there's actual chemistry there. If not then not, but at least you know. Real question is if you feel good when talking to her, if it's fun being together and if you can support each other despite your individual shortcomings.

    PS: And to her credit, it sounds like she did try hard at least. Programming isn't exactly a simple career choice, she just didn't get to the point where it all "clicks" in regards to computer hardware.
  • 0
    She might be good in other things than C programming
  • 1
    Is this a captcha question, the sort where we have to quickly reply because she's standing in front of you waiting for your response?
  • 0
    @black-kite and @Hazarth have a point.

    My wife is a non-tech person. She's an HR in a tech company. She knows the buzzwords, has a faint idea what is what on a very high level, even understands some dev jokes/memes.

    But I'd be the worst fool on Earth if I thought she's stupid.

    She's not a tech person, yes. But when it comes to social stuff, politics, history, books (ooooh the books),... Simply put, when it comes to the rest of the world besides computers, then I'm the goofy dork who knows squat and I question myself with imposter's thoughts: WTF does she see in me, compared to her I'm a toddler intellectually.

    Your girl may be not great in programming/algorithms, but give her 5 years and she may very well become your boss because she has the skills/willpower/patience/bravery/baldness/wtv. you lack.
  • 4
    Damn bro. You coulda still smashed first
  • 6
    >thoroughly turned off by a girl having trouble with C programming

    OP will become a wizard
  • 0
    She'll stop studying anyways.
  • 1
    Unpopular opinion: She's not stupid for needing help with C, she's stupid because she chose to study something that had C in the program.
    Who chooses to study something they are not good at? Right, rich people that don't need a job right away. And y'know what rich young people usually have in common? Being stupid.
    I place a trap card and finish my turn.
  • 1
    You judged someone for not having one skill without finding out other things she might have been interested in.

    You surface level piece of doughnut.
  • 2
    I am convinced. Everyone that uses greentexting has some sort of autistic tendencies.
  • 0
    Tbh, C isn't the only easiest language to work with. As others mentioned, could have dated and seen how it went.
  • 1

    >Be Me
    >Read comment implying autism
    >Freak because that would be change and I can't handle change
  • 1
    @AleCx04 I don't use it but I'm an autistic retard nevertheless 🙃
  • 0
    @c3r38r170 if you're already good at the topic, why would you take the course? Sounds like real waste of money and time. The real question is if she learned or not. At least she seemed to have some motivation.
  • 0
    @electrineer To have a paper to back up your claims? To learn some related stuff? Because they are being paid by your company? There are many reasons.
  • 0
    Explain her that you're literally working at a higher frequency 😂

    Okay I'm kidding of course, just apologize for being a dick and tell her you like her to. It's not rocket science.
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