
Who is this dumb fuck ?

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    git nuke
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    Users will always blame everything but themselves.

    How to separate sheep in a herd.
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    3 months of work ??? How the fuck you don't push your code for 3 mother fucker months?? Damm...
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    @lumogox not push, he did not even fucking commit. If its comitted it will stay there unless git rebase is used to delete history
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    @explosg indeed, my bad, the thing is even worse. 3 months !!!
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    Let us thank god that this option exists.
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    Still though, if my IDEA ever deleted my files without being super clear about it I would be pretty pissed too.
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    I think I know him.... That's OK right?
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    Poor guy... I guess he had to learn somehow
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    Don't think you'd appreciate Linux.
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    In the newer versions of VSC it even states that this operation is IRREVERSIBLE and confirms it
    This idiot not only had not committed the files, but even ignored the warning
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    @RTRMS That is clear, what's not clear is what the term discard in that context means. As a non-native English speaking person I would not be 100% sure that it means "delete" in this case. Maybe it's just the IDEA's term for unstage?
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    @simeg it's standard source control terms, vscode is sticking with convention. In source control, discard changes mens to undo what's done, which included deleting newly created files. Basically anything that has happened since your last commit will be undone, weather it was move a file, create a file, rename a file, modify a line or even delete a file.

    He chose to restore his app to its previously known source controlled state, which was to have no files, as he never used source control.

    Vscode should not in anyway change industry standard terminology. There was a German guy complaining about his teacher I think wanting him to translate pull request into German, but even in German, pull request is pull request, there is no actual German translation for that technical term.

    Based in his language he was fluent enough in English to be able to read, not vscode fault that in 2017 he still has not figured out what source control it. If he tried bracket, git kraken, source tree, he would of run into the same terms, smart symbols and similar warning language, these are tools made for technical people and it is extremely reasonable to assume technical people should either understand what they mean, or be smart enough to not screw with what they do not understand,hell and for crying out loud, he had no freaking backups, if I were an angel at the pearly gates, that would be enough reason to kick ur ass to hell, I can't allow grossly irresponsible into heaven.

    That's like buying a Ferrari, driving to the nearest drug den, parking you car with the door open, they key in the ignition and the car in idle. That's what this moron did, and then he got upset when it was stolen,and blamed the dealership.
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    @phexter same thing in Spanish, installed SourceTree to a team mate ( graphic designer ) and even as a native Spanish speaker I had a hard time trying to understand the translation.
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    @phexter well that was silly of them, let's take what everyone knows, and change it.
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