
I realized something. No matter what tech i use to code a project there will always be a dev to take a shit on it

someone will recommend to use redis, after i use redis some other dev will trash me for having such a poor choice and recommend me socket.io

Then if i use socket.io some 3rd dev will trash me cause thats not the right way of building stuff and recommend me kafka

If i use kafka some 4th dev will trash me and say why i dont use angular

If I use angular 5th dev will trash me for not using react

If i use react 6th dev will trash me for not using nextjs

Tired of this bullshit

I'll use whatever tech i need. If i dont know what to use ill ask and take the first suggestion. I'll just build a saas and when it starts earning money ill pay other devs to refactor and scale the hell hole (which wont be cause i write good code following solid principles and not spaghetti). Much simpler solution than wrecking my head with decisions of tech stack

  • 5
    By that time you should have known already which one works for you and not care that much about what others say. The fact you haven't figured this out means you're a shit dev and you should throw your code in trash. /s
  • 4
    What circles do you travel in that are this toxic? Can you cut these people out of your life?
  • 7
    I'm the 7th dev: they're all trash. Use vue
  • 5
    @retoor you were supposed to fight the Sith, not join them!
  • 4
    I'm the 8th dev - All your choices are shit. Scrap everything and start with Svelte.
  • 2
    Dev 9 here. All of it is trash. Let's rebuilt in Symfony.
  • 2
    People aren't taking shit on the software you're using, people are taking shit on you because you have no fucking clue how any of the software you're using works and what it does, and you never take the fucking time to read the manual and follow a few tutorials first.
  • 0
    @hitko the rant juices are strong with this one. I predict a rant soon.
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