A competitor of ours is offering a junior dev role. The base/starting salary is equivalent to mine 😖

  • 10
    Go for it, there’s no such thing as loyalty in the industry.
  • 4
    @just-basic-user It is quite sad that's the case. I really like where I am now, and the offer is PHP. I'm happy working with .NET. It just saddens me to see how underpaid we can be 😕
  • 2
    @itsdaniel0 Sorry, also if you want really good job in the next years learn “Perfect SWIFT” - swift for backend and frontend, 4x faster than node.js, as fast or faster than java.
  • 5
    Tell your employer about the offer and ask for a raise. If they refuse you can consider leaving even if it's phone. Best case scenario you'll be better paid.
  • 0
    apply and ask for a raise in your own company
  • 3
    @Kalvin @kb88 Honestly, I do like where I am. We're a small team, and I do believe I'm valued here. It's just crushing!
  • 3
    I like your attitude. Working together with great people is worth much more than just a higher salary.
  • 0
    Starting high might give you less raise in long term.s
  • 0
    RIP incentive
  • 1
    @itsdaniel0 there are things more important than money. I'm glad you're happy where you are :)
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