I FUCKING HATE how I always have to prove my abilities twice to everyone just because I sit in a wheelchair!!!

I mean if the people on the street treat me like a child it's hard enough... they might just be afraid of the unknown or simply stupid... but at the office?
You know what I do for a living... What on earth would make you think you have to treat me as if I have some kind of cognitive disability as well?

I am going to roll/drive over the next guy who does something like that!!!

Sorry for the non dev rant but this had to get out

  • 55
    I absofuckinglutely love your username name. And I would love you forever if you rolled them over. Your physical ability does not reflect your mental ability. People need to stop being so fucking dense all the time and get over themselves.
  • 12
    Just try to avoid them with a smile. We can't change others and there is no need to.

    Focus yourselves on the things you love and do things you wanted to do, nobody gonna stop you.
  • 12
    Just shove your code in their faces
  • 4
    @vasanth of course I smile... it's the only thing you can do... but it still triggers me
  • 7
    @QueenMorgana Thanks
    Most of the time there is no need to get physical because a joke from one of my colleagues makes them realize what they just did... the faces afterwards are pricelessπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Love your rants btw
  • 2
    @needToRoll your coworkers are awesome. And thank you :)
  • 9
    Ignore humans they are bad for your health
  • 5
    Well just walk away.

    sorry :)
  • 2
    @ivrat Don't be, that's the kind of reaction I expect
  • 2
    @QueenMorgana yes they are... I am struggling to find a way to thank them for their amazing support... because whatever I do it will never be enough
  • 0
    @Letmecode yes. That's why I ranted
  • 2
    @gitpush not all of them... but generally yes
  • 1
    @needToRoll indeed, shouldn't have generalized it. All I can say is good luck my friend :)
  • 3
    Out if curiosity : Do you feel the urge to say things like "I saw when you fucked up. You looked beautiful that day."?
  • 1
    Ajajaj... I'd made the opposite mistake: I would assume you're exceptionally good as you don't waste your time with useless shit like soccer or some kind of sports because it's modern these days.

    Keep it up! You WILL find people who don't care about anything but your abilities.
  • 1
    What if everybody else in the company is using 2 keyboards at the same time, one with their hands and one with their feet, and that's why they think needToRoll is so unproductive?
  • 1
    @jsframework9000 well first of all I am pretty sure I would have noticed that and I have to admit there are tasks that take longer... for example going to the toilet or moving my whole desk (or all the items on it) to another room.

    But I think I have other abilities and I will work hard to prove every employer that those weaknesses can be compensated
  • 2
    @needToRoll u can look at it as each of us sit in "wheel" chair only that wheels are smaller and on the bottom of the cheair, from the perspective of programming moving isnt important and its totally not disability

    Disability would be if u were girl (rofl joke)
  • 2
    @needToRoll if the first thing your employer thinks when looking for new talent is “will they take 4 or 7 minutes when they go for a pee”, i guarantee they are a jerk with 0 appreciation for ability.
  • 2
    My late mom hated that kind of condescension also. She had cerebral palsy and for most of her life was productive as a library director and able to walk. She was _incredibly_ good at her job and extremely intelligent and well-read. She organized funding for and had built a new million-dollar library for our town.

    But some people equated her appearance and her slurred speech as indicative of a cognitive deficiency and talked to her like she was a child. It absolutely infuriated her. Restaurant waiters, nurses and doctors, library patrons. It didn't even stop with her hospice nurses. I wish people would just listen to the way they talk to others and not assume someone is mentally "less" than they are.
  • 3
    Fuck them. They are shallow bastards with pathetic lives. You have fuck all to prove, if you're competent, you're competent.
  • 1
    @needToRoll continue to be you. Narrow-minded dipshits will always exist, but I'm getting the sense you rarely let that get to you. Your coworkers respect the hell out of you for your resilience.
  • 4
    @QueenMorgana I thought this guy just liked smoking haha
  • 1
    and as you said it would be (at least partly) a mistake... I am one of those modern kids. I don't play soccers but I love to sail... but yes there are certain activities I can't / don't want to do and I spend this time writing code... devRant thought me this is normal
  • 2
    @stackodev I can relate and I lived trough most of it... especially nurses have been bothering me because it is their job and they still treat you like a new born
  • 2
    @Lemoncake @QueenMorgana I should probably add ThemOver or OverThem to my username
  • 1
    @needToRoll How do you feel about people pitying you? I find it annoying if somebody looks at someone with a disability and says "Awww, the poor guy", like they are superior. In reality, we are all just an accident away from losing limbs or having other problems.
  • 1
    @QueenMorgana it seems like you are worried I am gonna stop being me soon... Well I am not!!! I am too amazing! (SorryπŸ™ƒ)

    It's just that I have a bunch of friends who tell me stories about stuff like that or even worse... and I sometimes feel like for every fight I take. It might be easier for the guy who follows me.. but fighting is very energy consuming.
    So there are days I just smile, Rant and go for a beer with one of my friends. (Yes I Love both coffee and beer) β˜•οΈπŸΊ
  • 2
    @jsframework9000 honestly it annoys me! (Happened at work as well)
    I mean if I look into the mirror I can't see anything fucked up or "pity worthy".
    I don't see why this would be a reason to do this there is simply no reason... I have an amazing life well apart from "clients from hell" - you know. Those guys just have no ideas what I am capable of

    EDIT: I don't want to sound arrogant, used those words to prove the point (not a native english speaker, sorry)
  • 1
    Am I the only one who thinks it is amazing that @jAsE and @letmecode talk about mental disorders on a rant I ask that people treat me according to mine...
  • 1
    @Letmecode in a good (funny) way! Thanks for the support!
    But I belief I don't take those things as serious as you think...

    And m8 check this: www.hubbe-cartoons.de I know the guy and he is great
  • 1
  • 1
    take the worst of them seperatly to a friendly dinner so that they learn to know you.
  • 1
    @needToRoll yesssssss!!! That would be a great username, but you're stuck with it for 6 months. Maybe just it in all tags like @jpichardo does with his tags
  • 0
    @needToRoll if i ever meet you, I think I'm buying you lots of beer and coffee for your attitude. Wasn't thinking you were going to change, mostly thinking your friends see you and not your chair and the best way to thank them is to keep being fucking amazing.
  • 0
    @jAsE comparing me to him is a huge compliment, I'm blushing.
  • 1
  • 1
    @jpichardo yup. I actually hadn't meant to fully tag you, but my phone changed it and i didn't feel like changing it back. Just mentioning you and your persistent presidency tag
  • 1
    @QueenMorgana yup Im running against trump in 2020
  • 1
    @jpichardo I'd vote for you, regardless of your competition
  • 2
    @QueenMorgana aww you, I'll make @linuxxx my VP
  • 2
    @jpichardo devRant parties in the White House ballroom, right?
  • 2
    @QueenMorgana ofc, hackathons at the Oval Office
  • 1
    @neulaender wait a sec did you just say sports are modern???

    Also as a soccer player can I just say that most people play soccer because it’s fun and they enjoy it rather than because it’s modern?
  • 2
    @QueenMorgana @jpichardo looks like I have to save up for a trip to US (DC) in 2020
    DevRant parties, hackatrons and (at least) one beer with your majesty
  • 0
    @needToRoll yesssssss!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
  • 1
    @needToRoll Some people just need a good nutt punch. I'm a caregiver for disabilities & mental disorders and I swear I cuss someone out every other day. The lack of education is unreal.
  • 0
    @softban thanks for the support
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