Just gonna lay this out. It is 2023. If you are still using Twitter and Facebook for personal presence you are kinda stupid (as in using your real name). They are shit sites and they can and will use that information against you. Personally I would lump LinkedIn with them, but it is still mainly business use. Twitter and Facebook are useful for business, but a huge liability for personal use. Keep up with your relatives somewhere else. Same goes for reddit, but most people there use anonymous handles anyway. So probably a bit safer.

Personally I never understood twitter. Facebook was interesting, but I started running into strange fucks on Facebook. People who were basically amoral and were okay with killing people. They were "friends" of friends. I also saw how this information could be held against someone with their political views. So I dropped Facebook more than 10 years ago. It has only gotten worse. About 2 years ago a friend of ours relative was going on vacation to Mexico. So someone called our friend in the USA and pretended the relative was kidnapped and tried to extort money. They got all of this info on the vacation off Facebook/Twitter. The same thing can happen with jobs. Wrong political views and you won't get hired. This is what I mean by being dangerous to you. People are assholes.

  • 1
    I use facebook for friends and family. My posts go out only to them. I never add anyone I do not know personally. You can’t see my posts unless you know me so no employer will ever see them. You can close it down tightly… and you can ditch the friends that are racist and have political views that fuck you off. So if you understand all the privacy settings its perfectly fine. If you want it wide open and googleable then that’s when it can turn to shit.
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    I _wanted_ to use them back in 2014 when Crimea happened and I was ashamed of being russian, but I couldn’t. I never understand why people use fb or twitter. I mean I had good English and all, but still didn’t get it. Same goes for instagram. Not tumblr though — tumblr had _the_ best porn back then.

    TikTok is whole another thing entirely. I can see theoretical value of Facebook when you have some kind of group or something, but TikTok is just a steaming pile of the least interesting garbage possible. I tried it. Just short dumb videos of people dancing while text appears. Why is everyone watching it for days on end? Maybe I’m getting old.

    That’s why the only “social media” I use is devRant.
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    You were stupid for using them back when they started.
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    @ostream thank you. I know that. Matter of fact, my wife is Ukrainian.
    It’s all about my inner demons.
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    @ars1 no argument there.
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