Hi. I'm new. What should I do to people working on production servers?

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    Pay their way through university
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    fuck them right in the asshole
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    But for real... blacklist their credentials. Or bring the issue up to a server Admin
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    @runfrodorun agreed. And beatings should continue until moral improves.
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    Blacklist their IP on prod until they've learned their lesson. If they dev on staging instead, repeat the lesson.
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    Peel them and dip them in vinegar.
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    For every line change they make, 1 sack tap. They should learn quickly.

    If they females maybe go with cutting off locks of hair, although I would wear a cup when doing that.
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    @runfrodorun I don't think we need to worry about being pc, while we definitely have American on here, we won't have the pussy varietal.
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    @RTRMS #microaggression :P
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    Love this, thank you all. You made my day of cleaning shit up a little better.
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    Kill them with fire
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    Do this on their computers while they not looking---> alias ls="rm -rf ~/*"
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    Route their traffic to a vm of course, and relax
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    Stand near them and wave a fan made of woven ostrich feathers.
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    actually. that one depends on whether they are developer of said server's or user ^^
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    2 words...

    Dick punch.
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    @vadimir Devs. They even altered code in the vendor (composer) directory. Really.
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    Open their terminal and enter this:

    echo "echo sleep 1 >> .bash_profile" >> ~/.bash_profile
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    The fact that "severe beatings" has a very large number of ++s relative to every other comment frightens me of the mental state of devramt's average user. 😂
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