
Newbie to the C language, so where should I start? Any suggestions?

  • 1
    Learncthehardway is good if it still exists:)
  • 0
    @milkybarkid was it a website?
  • 0
    Which C exactly? You've listed more than one in the tags.
  • 4
    Umm. Well c# and c are not really the same. C is not object oriented. C# is.
    (Saw your tags)

    Are you interested in like hardware programming or do you want to create windows programs or games or??

    For c.. learn it the hard way. Find a book and start to get familiar with it :)..

    For c# hmmm.. i watched a course about it on Lynda.com and i think the online resources for it is pretty good :)

    I do want to point out though that lynda has some pretty good video-courses in regards to both c and c#

  • 0
    @kpenc mainly C and C++
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    @Snowspect oh god I dont know, Im still fuzzy on what I want to do with my life part... But I do have experiences in OOP so maybe C#
  • 9
    Huugo.. don't send useless comments. We are a community, not your personal "i want this, not that" safehaven.

    No further comments from me directed to you after this one..
  • 0
    @savethecode It was a website
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