Why is everybody on LinkedIn “excited to announce …”?

  • 13
    Why people on Linkedin are so damn happy to work?
  • 4
    Because money.
  • 6
    They're robots. Kinda like LLM, it invents nothing new
  • 3
    @dmonkey Because they want to suck on corporate dick.
  • 1
    As a real human, i suspect that they are just so happy to have found a progressive and performance-positive family in their working environment. They aren't just working, they do what they like and do it in a fully conflict-free safe haven which is their employing company's office. In the office they can haggle about deadlines participate in meetings and do administrative work as much as they like. So naturally they love being there.
  • 2
    All of them on linkedin are so FAKE AS FUCK. Annoying shitheads. I get a compulsion to vomit when i read their posts. Main reason why i dont browse linkedin. I just use it when i am forced to use it
  • 3
    humblebrag city. i deleted my account long ago
  • 7
    This is the average linkedin hustler
  • 2
    @Nanos Just mention your security clearance level instead of your work history 😎
  • 1
    @Nanos you can tell us. Your secret will be safe 😁
  • 0
    @Nanos it's in your poem¿
  • 2
    @Nanos Looks like you have to keep working for the state then - as they know your references and clearance level without you telling them.
  • 0
    Cause they be bootlickers
  • 0
    @Nanos WTF for the coworker wanting to borrow your security card - that actually is very suspicious.

    And update your ID. Shouldn't be that hard.
  • 0
    @Nanos Yeah, humans...
  • 0
    @Nanos Just normal humans. They mostly understand why the red tape is there (yes they saw the spy dramas too). But driving back and getting the card or going directly to security and letting them verify, that they still work there and actually are allowed to enter their workplace is too much hassle and/or emberassment for them. Those mortals are so faulty and yet they think they have to pretend correctness...
  • 0
    @Alexanderr also - they're using chrome plugins that cost money that give extra info about LinkedIn in members. They had my freaking phone number for a while there and some companies call me every year. Stored in their own db
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