Who else feels like your JavaScript skills are lacking? I have only been coding for about 6 month's and JS for about 2 1/2 of it but still I am not an expert and I understand. But still . . .😥

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    Your expectations are too damn high!

    Seriously dude, be reasonable. Nobody learns any skill to a professional level in 2.5 (or 6) months. I've been writing JavaScript for 15 years and I still have lots to learn.
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    @CrankyOldDev javascript is that old???
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    Development has very very few experts in any language that is still current being maintained. As long as it is being fixed, maintained, upgraded, the only experts that will ever exist are those guys, as they are the only ones that will even conceivable know everything about said language, the rest of us will always almost certainly still have something to learn.
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    Fully agree with @CrankyOldDev
    I've been writting JS code since 2006 and there are still many things to learn.

    As you can see by the amount of frameworks, the language is constantly being updated through the years due to its broad use.
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    @theScientist It's actually closer to 20 years but I'm struggling to admit to myself I am *that* old! There used to be JavaScript when there was no jQuery, you know!! *shakes stick*
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    @CrankyOldDev when i started moo-tools was more popular than jQuery 😂
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    @theScientist just another framework that's very similar to jQuery.

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    Lmfao this chat was funny at the end but I hear you guys I know it takes time to fully understand a language and with JavaScript its likely that I will never fully understand it but I will keep trying to develop my skills but I want a jr dev job but it doesnt seem like most companies are looking for them so thats why I wrote this Rant.
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    I am a php dev. When I first time to learn nodejs. I had hard time. The coding style. The syntax. The async nature. I suddenly became a junior a dev. I need to start from ground up. And it took lots of time. So instead of focusing on what to learn. I focus on how to learn. I start to explore the how to learn area since my junior high school. It is all down to passion and preservance, according to Dr Angela duckworth. It means day in and day out + passion. Day in and day out it is like you go to the gym every day. Nonstop. Passion means you go to the gym with purpose. Some goals you want to achieve. The 2 need to work together, then you will be successful. I built an simple app using this method. https://melres.shopshop.space. it uses react, redux, express, mongodb, zomato API, nginx, Ubuntu. I feel pround of myself. In summary, day in day out, deliberately practise, passion. Good luck. + I am looking for jobs.
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    Thats really kool. Is it on git hub? Because i think i can make it look a lot better. . . No offense @kenpeter
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    @AndrewzOS , yes on github. Feel free to do so. I need someone to make it look better.
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    Whats the repo name @kenpeter @kenpeter
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    Ok follow me on gethub to stay In touch
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