
who's wrong hava , linux or dev😂

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    @sam9669 This guy ⬆ is a deep learner (he uses python) => he is right, because java needs ; not like python
  • 28
    Sure java. Use an ide with java. Never missed a fucking semicolon. Fuck your semicolon jokes, they are not funny PERIOD
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    @shivayl Not to be rude but, no fucking shit.
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    This is what happens when you don't read your fucking debug logs
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    Anyone who spends more than a few minutes to find a missing semicolon in Java is a crappy developer.
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    @gitchboy s/debug logs/compiler errors
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    @shivayl None that I ever met. But I guess some people just don't understand.
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    @shivayl Actually if you *really* think about it, languages are designed by people too and have their own UX. If a language requires a semicolon just to make its own parsing easier, that design can have a far-reaching impact on the usability of the language and the likelihood of such accidental errors happening in the first place.

    I have to agree with the Python users on this one: no semicolons in the language means you can't possibly forget one. Less possibility of error is generally going to mean fewer errors.
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    @devios1 (next level blame)
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    @rtfm Semicolons don't benefit readability imo. If anything they increase the number of variations possible which I would think would actually hamper it. But anyway that wasn't my argument. There's no law that says a language needs semicolons to figure out where one statement begins and another ends. Look at Swift. It's a "whitespace ignoring language" with a C-like syntax yet it has successfully done away with semicolons too.
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    I'm getting tired of semicolon jokes. I started developing in 2004 and not once I had a fucking semicolon missing error without either compiler or IDE telling me I missed one 😔
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    @moandip Maybe it was missing in a regex or something. You never know. Semicolons can fuck you anywhere: compile or runtime.
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