Want to hide this devRant apps on android but how?

Because everytime my wife see this devRant, she say, wtf this app? So many bad word, so many "fuck", you must avoid see bad words too much ,she said. Lol its true but still happy to see it, because its damn true. I love to see people say the truth

  • 6
    Seems to me she does not know the true you. You should be more open. And rant like you need to.
  • 4
    Bro, this goes to wifeRant app and not devRant :P
  • 3
    @gitpush don't you mean spouseRant? Gotta be inclusive yaknow
  • 4
    I have a slight concern that your wife is trying to censor your exposure to bad words. Are you from somewhere very conservative? Do people not commonly swear in every day speech? Do you need protected from the evils or such language?
  • 0
    @DeveloperACE or this too lol
  • 0
    I would talk to her about it.

    If you're hiding things from your wife, it's not a good thing. It's unhealthy. Imagine living in fear each time she touches your phone. Fuck that.

    Tell her how you feel about devRant, and what it is.

    We here are a mix of all kinds of ranters. Some who love profanity, like me, and some who don't (but tolerate it somehow). Diversity it seems.

    Talk to her man. Get this shit sorted so we can have you ranting about rantable days.
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    I agree with the above comments but also to answer your question just search for: android app hider
    There are a bunch of solutions, most require your device be rooted but a couple work without.

    Alternatively you could use the website but you would miss a lot of functionality.
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    @DeveloperACE how about an app that manages all your rants account? Like you can switch quickly from spouseRant, to devRant, to professorRant, all without leaving the app?
  • 1
    @jaaywags or just one everyRant App and you post to certain channels like #devRant #spouseRant .etc instead
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    @jaaywags called metaRant?
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    @DeveloperACE @shiv379 then one rant that has all the rants from all the apps not categorized at all, called everyRant
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    That would be utter chaos @jaaywags
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    @theScientist yes please, make a fork from this devRant.
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    @penderis at first i think like you, but it seems my wife honestly tell me to be a good man and ofcourse i cant make her down.
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    @CrankyOldDev yes, in my culture its a bad to say a words like that. And i never used fuck or damn or any like that in usual discussion. Only here in devRant or some of my close friend i can used that.
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    @LastDigitOfPi wow, but i think i will not change this app to "browser". Because thats the app usually she used when hold my smartphone.lol
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    @Trablarer lol , never thought of that
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    @DeveloperACE hmm, i see. I see the future of devRant. Maybe like stackexchange.
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    Btw thanks all, this is the first time i got 20+ rant.
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