"5 Ways I’m Using AI to Make Money in 2023" ok let's see... ah a members-only Medium post...

yep thats definitely one of the ways -_-

fuckin kill me i hate this

  • 8
    do u really wanna read that? make ur own post about it, like all others do ;p
  • 12
    the only get rich quick scheme that works is selling get rich quick schemes.
  • 10
    It reminds me of this one:
  • 3
    Rule #1: Never tell your money making secrets. As if everybody can do it it becomes worthless/devalues it.
  • 0
    Everybody is a developer?

    Not so much

    You still need to learn the trade if you are serious…

    But really exciting times for sure…
  • 2
    @jassole no.
    First, you need a privilege of having access to financial tools. For crypto, you have to live in a country where crypto is legal/exchanges support withdrawals to. For stocks, you need a brokerage, same as crypto but stricter.
    Second, you need some disposable money — a huge privilege again. The vast majority of the earth’s population making ends meet and have exactly zero disposable money.
    Third, because all financial tools are made for rich white people from rich white countries, you have to have USD or EUR. You have to have a plastic card.
    Then, you have to have a privilege of being smart enough to even comprehend financial tools. Then, you have to be lucky enough to stumble upon this secret.
    If you account for all of that, the chance of devaluing your secret because “everyone” will be using that is negligible.
  • 2
    @jassole second, if you have a real money making breakthrough, and you’re not a psychopath, you’ll get bored after making more than you can spend, and will start caring about karma, because of how Maslow’s pyramid works.
    Third. Money you gain without producing anything is always an exploitation of the vulnerable. I want nothing to do with it. Waking up one day and realizing I suddenly somehow switched lives with elon musk or jeff bezos is my worst nightmare.
  • 1
    @cafecortado damn 34 ratings, guy's a millionaire!
  • 1
    Medium is an absolute clown town, I miss when self hosting stuff was the standard and content farms weren't a thing.
  • 0
    @kiki wut, that's BS. Money without producing anything means you are selling service or acting as a broker. Not all non productive business are exploitation
  • 1
    @DEVil666 spitting truth.
    Fuck megacorps! Hack the planet!
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