Does anyone else feel you have to do the coding part of development outside of office hours, because the interruptions + even anxiety of being interrupted prevents you from getting into the zone? If I have free time at the weekend I can get into work coding and it's great - I'm so productive - isn't this how work would want me to be 5 days a week? And yet, somehow, the work environment doesn't allow it.

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    I used to. But that actually took my personal time away. Like I wouldn't be free for a movie, spending time with family and my hobbies. I had to stop all my interruptions in office to be able to split between personal and professional.
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    I'm most productive at night. So not when I'm working. The employer gets the worst part of my day because that's what they want.
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    While i almost never get actually interrupted, the anxiety is definitely still real. It is a mindframe issue. Nobody is going to interrupt me. But in theory, it could happen... even though i am exclusively working from home.
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    I work when I wake up, whenever that may be.

    Clients are trained to, and expected to respect that.

    I do my part in delivering as promised.

    Whatever else their hubris is, is not my problem. Been significantly happier since.

    It does take good async communication skills tho. Some clients just can't work with this setup.
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    I get zoom calls from colleagues who needs help constantly. It gets annoying when it is to much, but from now and then i do not mind. I developed a quite solid git stash function in my brain. What i really hate is getting interrupted by non-work issues like phone calls. Then i have to switch projects in my mind.
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    I have the same issue, but after a while i just figure out how to make warning flags for people that i dont want to be disturbed, like skipping lunch, keep my headphones on, stick my face close to the screen when i see people in the corner of my eye.
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    I used to care but now people will just say my name and I say “what was the question again?” - usually all is fine after that.
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