I just started using Java 8.
I fell in love again with Java.
Thanks to lamdas & streams 😘

  • 4
    Now that you are ready for java 8, prepare for java 9. It's coming!
  • 4
    @slinkydeveloper in aproxy 60 days time
  • 3
    Not to be a fanboy or anything but I found Lambda's to be easy to read on C# more than on Java. Luckily there is kotlin, and I'm thinking of using it and ditch Java when doing Android development. Any thoughts about Kotlin?
  • 5
    @gitpush kotlin is awesome!
  • 3
    @slinkydeveloper Any good tutorials you know about? I'm starting from their docs but tutorials would be nice especially if targeted at Android
  • 2
    You are aware though that lambdas have existed in C# for years now.
  • 0
    Now you are ready for Scala!
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