
So my actual job is being a nurse at the local hospital, with coding being just a hobby. However, the way some IT–Related things are treated here are just mind-blowing. Here are some examples:

Issue: Printer is not recognized by network anymore due to not being properly plugged in

Solution: Someone has to tell the house technician, if the house technician is currently not available, ask his assistant who only works part time and like twice a week. House technician took the printer (God knows why), came back 2 days later and plugged it back in.

Issue: Printer 1 of 2 on ICU has run out of ink and since all computers default to printer 1, nobody can print.

Solution: Call the house technician, blah blah, house technician comes, takes ink cartridge of printer 2 and puts it into printer 1.

Issue: Public WiFi is broken, can be connected to but internet access is missing. Probably config issue as a result of a recent blackout.

Solution: Buy a new router, spend 5 days configuring it and complain about how hard networking is.

Issue: Computer is broken, needs to be exchanged with a new one, but how do we transfer the data?

Solution: Instead of just keeping the old hard drive, make a 182GB backup, upload it to the main file server and then download it again on the new computer.

Issue: Nurse returns from vacation, forgot the password to her network account.

Solution: Call the technician who then proceeds to open a new account, copies all the files from the old one and tells her to pick an easier password this time. She chooses "121213".

  • 12
  • 0
  • 2
    Holy shit that last one! That is unbelievable
  • 11
    To be honest I was shocked you have file server after reading solutions of the first few issues
  • 7
    i hope they don't solve other problems in the clinic like that 😮
  • 0
    Welcome to the dungeons of draxx. That's how we do business over here.
  • 0
    Holy fuck!
  • 0
    Dear god....
  • 3
    @gedankennebel They sort of do, don't they.

    "Here we have human #1, functional except for part K. There we have human #2, non-functional, but part K is still functional and under warranty. We're now going to attempt to remove broken part K from human #1, and substitute in the functional part K from non-functional human #2"
  • 0
    Perfect outsourcing. Win win
  • 0
    I work at a vision clinic, and can confirm that this is how things are handled. They've caught me goofing off on the computers once or twice though, and ironically ask me for help when a small ossue arises.
  • 0
    I see why hospitals get ransomware now
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