Apple at its finest. Sold the iPhone I used to own. Wanted to remove from iCloud. Open chrome on my Android device and was greeted with unsupported browser. Funny thing is it works if I tick open as desktop website.

Ffs apple. Your safari browser is the new IE of browsers. Yes my device is supported. Yes for Christ sake it can render stuff. It's not an old Nokia... Who even thought it was remotely a good idea to restrict mobile access...

  • 3
    Agreed, safari (desktop) added a bunch of es6 crazy cool stuff ages ago but forgot `=>` arrow funcs.. never even mentioned it in release docs.. just didn't support it, they're absolute douches when it comes this stuff.
  • 2
    The problem is not chrome but mobile. iCloud even won't work on mobile safari.
  • 2
    Sad McCloudface is disappointed in you using Android :(
  • 0
    Well considering the shitbags at Apple restrict all the cool features for texting to iMessage, I'd say it's pretty typical of them to do some shit like this.
  • 0
    Is it only me or does that cloud face look like a 8 bit version of Steve Jobs?
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