
It was created with a mind of writing simple scripts in browser not for some to attempt to write whole fucking applications (which seems to be a plague these days). Typed languages!

  • 8
    The Internet wasn't exactly meant to have billions of devices connected to it either. Many things have been repurposed throughout the years.
  • 2
    @theScientist typed languages are not a thing of the past, they provide a safety way to find what should be compile time errors, not runtime ones
  • 2
    This is why Typescript exists.
  • 4
    C hasn't been invented to build complex software. But, well, you see
  • 0
    Don't like vanilla JS? Use a superset. i.e.; TypeScript
  • 2
    JavaScript is one of the most powerful and awesome languages I know. No language is perfect and it has its quirks but to me they're forgivable because of the sheer ridiculous power it gives you.

    I started programming for years with statically typed languages and when I finally discovered JavaScript it felt as though the training wheels had finally come off.

    But then I've never been one to do things by the book. I always push a language, and the more it lets me do the more I want to do as I learn and use it.

    Typed languages offer a few niceties and a bit of a safety net (a bit!). But when they get in the way, they get in the way HARD. And it usually amounts to "nope, you just can't do that."

    Well I was sick of being told what I couldn't do. I wanted a language that told me all I COULD do.

    JavaScript is such a language.
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