I get depressed during times like this.

Me: *does a keyboard shortcut*
Friend: Woaw, are you good on computers?
Me: yea.
Me: yea...
Me: I don't know your password.
Friend: You can't hack then.

  • 6
    I showed my friend his password (couldn't look at it for ethical reasons) he was very disconcerted
  • 7
    I can't begin to tell you how many times in a day I have to interrupt people and tell them "no, I don't need your password." While thinking to myself "this is why your account keeps getting compromised." If there's anything I need to do within your account or profile (most things I can do outside of it), I will screenshare with you and have you type it in for me.
  • 5
    @amlove32 when I have to go on anothers device and I tell them I'm locked out and they proceed to say their password I hold my ears and say "blah blah" out loud like a five year old just to maintain my sanity.
  • 8
    Open terminal and do basically anything. Text interfaces just SCREAM hacker.
  • 7
    @Unicorn- I got my computer taken away as a child for just that
  • 5
    I've had people log into their online banking or put in credit card info, etc. I tell them "let me remind you, I'm still on your computer" and the response I get "just close your eyes." Lol And then you can hear them saying their passwords to such as they're typing it in. I suppose they should be glad I'm an honest one, but it's scary to think about how open they are with someone they do not know.
  • 3
    @ctmalloy Nothing pisses me off more than tech illiterate parents doing shit like that
  • 2
    If I got a penny for everytime that happened to me, I'd be richer than @billgates 😒
  • 1

    People just don't really seem to give a shit anymore. Until something goes wrong, and then it is your fault.
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