
facebook in 2025: “we deleted our privacy policy”

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    I think there's a fundamental misunderstanding concerning what "privacy policy" means. Just because it has "privacy" in it doesn't mean it is good for it.

    I wish they'd do that. It would open them up to a lot of lawsuits and who knows what gems would be uncovered in a potential discovery phase.
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    2030: Replaced by social network #741
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    Facebook in 2040: we destroyed 5 million people for hate speech
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    great job
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    @kiki Thanks,

    I was building this:

    @ragnar @lauralordelaure

    But comments of a validated rant don't get checked. I actually did built this. But calling ragnar under a sus rant will cancel the whole rant anyway. So, waste of effort so far on my side.

    Oh fuck, this is on a old rant. Bastards.
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