TL:DR: I'm terminally addicted to Tea.

I have been drinking tea twice every day since 6th grade. I'm almost 30 years old now.

One day I decided to quit tea altogether. And at 6 PM that same day, I started to lose color from my eyes. The whole world turned black and white.

At about 7:30 PM, severe depression kicked in and I started questioning why the hell I wanna keep on living and not end it all.

At that point I ran to the kitchen and made tea and drank it. 2 mins after that I started to see colors again and the depression went away.

It's kind of funny now that I look back at it.

  • 10
    better than being addicted to energy drinks, so thats a win in my book 👌
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    Most likely you put a lot of sugar in it. Maybe the core factor here actually.
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    @horus No its the caffeine. I've tried drinking just milk with sugar and that didn't work either.

    Could be a combination of both though.
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    Caffeine inside tea.

    But unless you make your tea *disturbingly* potent (e.g. taking the quantity for one liter to 125 ml)…

    or drink multiple litres of e.g. coffein rich tea like green tea ...

    It's fine.

    Caffeine addiction is common. Unless you experience side effects like high blood pressure, constant anxiety, sleep problems, etc. It's fine.
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    curious what kinda tea you have to drink for this kinda trip.
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    @IntrusionCM I already got the first two, I was miserable already before going to sleep.

    I don't think I would have made it through the night, if I had tried.
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    @tosensei or what kinda tea u don't have to drink for that kinda trip.

    It wasn't a good trip and I don't intend to feel that way again.
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    People are different and some even get heart rhythm abnormalities on withdrawal. Temporal loss of color vision is normally associated with a stroke though. Maybe you just had one.

    It is also possible that you basically self-medicated a cardiovascular and/or mental problem with caffeine and stopping to do that would require fixing the problems by other means. So visiting a doctor before and while trying withdrawal again might actually be a good idea...

    And you don't have to stop in one day. Caffeine slowly withdrawal can be done reducing the daily dose slowly instead of going cold turkey. The actual withdrawal symptoms should then be less pronounced but it obviously takes longer.
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    @Sid2006 still interested in what kind of tea it is ;)

    also: do your withdrawal symptoms cease when you switch to coffee/cola/mate/guarana/whatever?
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    I drink at least two large cups of tea a day and have been doing so for more than 20 years but I do not have similar problems if I skip it a few days so it must be individual.

    And I drink it without sugar and let it soak for at least 3-4 min.

    But yes tea has a lot of caffeine.
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    Caffeine withdrawal is usually one of the worst withdrawals bc people start when they are kids and never stop for years.
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    @chonky-quiche usually 2 days of migraine like headache and it's fine.

    Not really a hard withdrawal...

    It can be very bad like here in the rant, but it usually subsides quickly.

    Just need to drink regular water and it's fine.

    Other withdrawals are... Far worse.
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    @IntrusionCM I can't say what withdrawals you're talking about.. but I have quit cigarettes, weed and alcohol and it wasn't even close to what I felt when I quit tea.
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    @tosensei I've only tried switching to coffee and it didn't stick so idk at this point.
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    Cigarettes and other stuff takes weeks...

    Alcohol, never did this.

    Weed. Well... Weed is worse, despite many people telling one otherwise.
    (No experience here, though)

    Antidepressants... Wild ride. Especially when the mood swings combine with the necessity for food. Any food. 10_000 kilocalories a day, no problems. Given that it takes weeks, it's easy to gain 20 kilograms... Worst when you even follow a strict diet and despite resisting the really crazy craving for food, you still gain 20 kilograms cause your body is in extreme severe stress.

    Caffeine is 2 days hell, then poof. Gone.
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    @IntrusionCM I've never been on antidepressants so I'll take your word for it.

    But caffeine withdrawal for me isn't a good trip. It scared the crap outta me enough to keep me just keep drinking tea.
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    @Sid2006 yeah, can understand that.

    Messing with stress system in your body is scary.


    Best is always to have either a support system or just travel somewhere in the nowhere... 100 km apart from any civilization makes getting coffee hard. XD
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    @IntrusionCM don't wanna know what kinda antidepressants you're talking about... or what kinda shitty weed.
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    of all the things that one can be addicted to, coffee and tea seem like pretty sane and safe bets.

    *sips on 14th beer glass*


    You should be fine with tea my man.
  • 1
    What the hell's in your tea dude?
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