There's a "support" button in my app that allows users to contact me to report issues. The email body is prefilled with some useful information. This is the kind of email that I receive most of the time... DO THEY THINK I CAN READ THEIR MINDS?

  • 4
    Hey, my friend!
    Can you tell me how do you do that?
  • 17
    Okay, I usually agree how stupid users can be, so in this case I'd suggest to think like one: If a non-tech user sees that the email is already filled up with content (which is complete gibberish to them) they might believe that is all you need and just press send. Could you hide that content from them and just make that placeholder 'explain pls' visible?
  • 8
    Maybe that think the support button is for expressing support for your work?
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    @Huuugo I wouldn't be surprised.
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    I have the same feature in my app. I ignore them now. At the beginning I was mailing back but I don't bother to do that anymore...
  • 1

    sed: -e expression #1, char 11: unterminated `s' command
  • 2
    @andrasadam93 Or perhaps show a text box asking for a summary of the issue before generating the email and just include the text in the generated body.

    I feel your pain, but there are probably ways to avoid the problem. Users are probably used to just clicking "Send" on crash reports, so it's not that unbelievable.
  • 0
    @CozyPlanes Here you go: https://pastebin.com/PnhmxC1Z
    Logging and CommonUtils are classes that belong to my project, but the method names are self-explanatory. The script also attaches a log file.
  • 0
    @devios1 @andrasadam93 Both nice ideas. Thank you!
  • 1
    I was just looking at your website...Nice work kid
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