
This technical interview went horribly awful... I cant believe what they asked me.... And it was all on english. Interviewed by german and indian guy. I got SO stressed the fuck out just from this 35 min technical interview. I drowned in stress. If this is the reality of engineering world im not sure if i can handle all this stress....

If i work a job i would literally just go to office and come back home like a literal zombie. Emotionless soulless purposeless zombie. Emptiness. Void. Numb. As i work in the office i would put a fake smile face as if im so happy working while from inside drowning in stress and decomposing out of depression... The amount of money i earn wouldnt even be spent because id have no energy or will to go out and spend it. It's meaningless....

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    u should just relax a bit and don't give a fuck. say ok to everything and then do what you know ( in their requirements frame ). If u survive a few months in the new place you'll find a place/team some corner even and the stress level will ( should ) be reduced to pretty low levels ( just don't feed it w/o need yourself )... if not, that company is clearly not a fit ;)
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    If u have the luck to get into a well organized place just follow the protocol and u should be ok
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    So what did they ask you?
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    "And it was all on english.."

    Uhm... why is this something to complain about?
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    @cho-uc never been hired by international company where i have to talk on english. Only worked in my local companies on my native language
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    Dragging coding interviews, sometimes, is a way for the company to show you that you don't deserve the salary you're asking for.
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    @Sid2006 i didnt tell them what salary i want. They asked but i said its best that we first finish Technical interview so then we can decide. Not dragging anything
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    @b2plane in our field I've seen that only the people that have a very good foundation in English are worth my time. Engineers that use native language in code or do not emerse them selves in English texts continuously often misread or do not read documentation or articles about the field.
    This is of course an observation limited to my country and backed by no statistical grounds. But I hope you get proficient in English enough to be comfortable with it on a daily basis.

    Don't want you to get anxiety over it but It's "speak in English" by the way.
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    @hjk101 i know English better than my native language
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    Then what was it that made you so stressed about it?
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    @CoreFusionX havent got use to doing interviews in foreign language. Always did on my own
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    Then you should work on your speaking / listening skills. Not hard to do nowadays with the amount of video material available, if you can't get someone fluent in English to practice conversation with you.
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    @CoreFusionX wtf are u talking about. This isnt even the problem of me getting rejected. The problem is i havent worked for 3+ years in companies first and the other half of problems i have no idea what the fuck they want from me
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    Well, it struck me as curious how you would be stressed over an interview in English when you yourself said right before that you know English better than your native language...
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    @Nanos you should hear me speak on english. most people thought im from uk or us
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    @b2plane send a 30 sec. example and I'll tell u if u sound more uk or american
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