
How many devs here smoke instead of coffee? 🙋

  • 16
    Smoking is injurious to health. It causes cancer. :)
    >Stop smoking.
  • 10
    @theScientist death and satisfaction?
  • 18
    @solooo7 SmOkInG iS iNjUrIoUs tO hEaLtH. iT CaUsEs CaNcER.
  • 5
    @theScientist I understand. :)
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    @solooo7 hey i know dude. its kind of you to advice. I just thought if anyone else enjoy smoking. It sure is injurious and its not that i am addicted. Addiction can be really harmful. It relaxes me and i take it as a medicine when necessary.
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    Irony on "medicine".
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    @runfrodorun i always try to make my country proud.
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    Coffee is injurious to health, coffee leads to no sleep, coffee kills
  • 4
    Because of walking up and down the main Street in town with smokers blowing smoke in my face I have a hatred for smokers, I guess if I was tempted enough I'd punch the person the face if he blew it directly in my face.

    I don't mind people smoking just don't smoke in my face :/ and even worse don't blow it in my face as I'm running.
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    I don't. And I never will ^^
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    Y not both tho
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    I do smoke, and I love it even tho I can certainly feel the side effects
    We'll see how long the love last
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  • 11
    The only thing I like when people smoke is, that they will die sooner, so when I will be retired, I can get more money back from the country.
    On all other aspects I fucking hate smokers!
    The fucking smell is everfucking where, they stink like burned tomatoes crowned with sparkling dog turds. I love it the most when you go to work at 5 in the morning and some smoking twat smokes right next to you and the ashes fly on to your open laptop while sitting on a bench waiting for the bus. FUCK YOU SMOKERS!!

    Signed with love <3

    Btw: I now already lost 3 people to cancer/tumors because of smoking.
    It's not like smoking is worth it just to make you feel relaxed.

    Btw2: My ex smoked too and I told her about my problems with smoking (<a href="#btw">see btw</a>). Guess what: Didn't care a singe bit. Worst personality evaaaaa. Dumped her. #noragrets
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    @qbasic16 sorry about your loss
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    Why don't you vape instead?
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    @wlan0mon i sometimes vape and also spin the fidget. But only when nobody is around 😒. I am that autistic.
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    @solooo7 This is the best part, no?
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    So sad to see that both is not an option given. I would never choose between them
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    @qbasic16 ever politely asked them to move a bit further away? The smokers I know never had any issue with doing so. Generally speaking, the smokers over here are more social than most people and understand that not everybody enjoys it.

    As a smoker I hate it when kids stand next to me ;)
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    I do both.
  • 1
    I do both. Trying to quit smoking... 😣
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    Both. Loads of both. And I smoke not just cigarettes.
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    @olback in that logic i hate fat people too. They stink.
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    We have a gangster here @eshwarenm :D Not every fat human smells bad. Thats the difference to smoking.
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    @hyvte stink can also mean sucks, just saying.
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    @theGOD sorry my English is not that good
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    @hyvte lol why be sorry its fucking great. I too dont speak english as my first language ;)
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    I'm fat and smoke and drink coffee but nobody ever complained about my smell or something. The only time it happened it was cuz I literally went through a smoke in a minute and a half or so. When you smoke really fast and then enter immediately a closed environment it does get very bad. Usually I'm able to not bother anyone by just smoking in open areas ( I dislike myself smoking in rooms) and don't rush it. Or switch tobacco.

    Chewing gums also go a long way if it sticks to your breath too much.
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    I don't care what you do to your body. If you want to smoke, I don't have a problem with at all per se, BUT I absolutely hate smoke, it makes it hard to breathe and makes me cough and it stinks. And a big problem is that smokers don't even realise that they reek of cigarettes. My manager sometimes comes after a smoke to his seat which is relatively close to me and I have to get up and go somewhere because I'm suffocating from the smoke that is caught on him.
    So, if you can find a way to not impede my breathing go ahead, I'm glad you have something that brings you joy, but otherwise fuck you very much
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    @theGOD well, that's distantly related I guess :) I personally have been through so much shit in my life that I'm pretty much ready to sign-off do if cheeseburgers kill me, that's a nice way to go I guess... And anybody else who is an adult thinking a similar way I ain't judging or anything. However, I'm not shoving cheeseburgers down peoples throats or doing anything like that and I expect people to do the same with their vices.
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