
. 👇
👉 🐢 👈

Glory to the cosen one!!!

  • 3
  • 18
    I'm deeply bothered by that dot
  • 1
    @msdsk might want to get that dot checked
  • 5
    @msdsk i'm annoyed by the turtle. Turtles are rapists. Some extra information:

    "Turtles and tortoises will rape eachother constantly. That is why most keepers don’t put males and females together unless they are breeding. Female tortoises can have massive damage done to their vent from constant mating and the stress can kill them. It’s one of the reasons why you keep two or more females for every male so they aren’t raping the same female constantly."

    Nasty bastards.
  • 2
    @Demolishun wish that was true
  • 2
    Can't sleep. Wish i had a turtle right now. Would paint it blue with a racing stripe and put glow in the dark stars on it so the other turtles see him comming.
  • 7
    @retoor Turtles are fucking animals.
  • 1
    @fckIE often fucked animals
  • 0
    @fckIE imagine, a turtle and a dolphin. Who would go on top?
  • 6
    @retoor I have 2 dogs and a cat. One dog humps the cat, then the other dog humps the dog humping the cat. They are all males. Whilst a 3rd female dog just lays by herself above all this bullshit.
  • 3
    "turtles are rapists"
    "I can't sleep, I wish I had a turtle"

    not judging
  • 1
    noooooo! THIS is the boi → 🐸
  • 2
    @Demolishun is that a cat costume in your closet? And a sonic bedsheet?
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    @retoor still the turtle, dolphin can't bite through the shell, turtle can cut his pecker in an instant. Turtle jaws are ridiculously strong.
  • 0
    @NeatNerdPrime You're probably right. But with two dolphins you get a whole other story. Dolphins are gangbangers. Yes - flipper too.
  • 1
    It's tutles all the way down.
  • 2
    @msdsk The dot was necessary because initial spaces get removed...
  • 0
    @galena it's ok to be reminded some of us might have OCD
  • 1
    All hail Turtle Pope!
  • 5
    👉 🐢 👈
  • 1
    @msdsk I wasn't until you pointed it out. Now I am. Thanks.
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