I’m addicted to McDonald’s breakfast

  • 4
    That's OK! I did it weekly too with a colleague.

    BTW, who eats alone dies alone a bitch once said
  • 2
    So ice cream?
  • 7
    @retoor who eats alone gets to eat everything
  • 3
    @retoor love that u remember lmfao
  • 4
    That is not okay.

    Please eat actual food and not .... That. I fail to categorize it as it is worse than I can process.
  • 2
    @IntrusionCM Totally agree. A McDonalds breakfast is one of the two worst eating experiences of my adult life. Actually, the worst. Vile, non-food.
  • 3
    I was addicted to McDonald’s too (but more their burgers). I recently had my gallbladder removed.

    Thank you Ronald!
  • 2
    You deserve better, chonky-quiche. I'm liking the cheeseburgers though.
  • 1
    @spongegeoff their breakfast burritos are heavenly man - I ran a half marathon the other day and that’s the first thing I wanted after lmfao
  • 1
    Ah, I'm happier knowing it wasn't the thing that was sold as a 'McDonald's Breakfast' in the UK at one time. Part of that was described as a 'sausage' - was actually more like a small disc of surgical waste. I honestly felt some laws had been broken.
  • 1
    @retoor love it "a bitch once said"
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus it's now our super duper secret inside joke
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